Niklas Lavrell


Last updated: July 28, 2020

Focusing on shipping a new product 👉 Grapic - a old-new way to remote whiteboard with your colleagues, check it out!

Other projects also in the works:

‍‍📸 Focolio - site to find photographers

‍‍💁‍ Let's Borrowit - app to make people consume less and borrow more

🤖 Chekr - bot that watch my stocks, so I can spend time on other stuff

🧙‍ Line Wizard - app that makes clean line breaks on Instagram posts

🚀 Swedish Tech Makers - community with people that want to ship

🌱 The Happy List - articles and talks that helps me grow

Nice working spot in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Nice working spot in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam 🇻🇳

Niklas Lavrell

Building products 👨‍💻 and traveling 🌏👉 Now